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发布时间:2023-12-11   字体大小T|T




题  目:Mobility pattern of members of organized crime group:a GIS based cluster analysis using cell phone traces

时  间:2023年12月22日星期五19:00

地  点:兰州大学城关校区齐云楼304


Large-scale urban sensing data such as mobile phone traces are emerging as an important data source for studying human mobility. With location related information (i.e longitude and latitude), the data represent a unique opportunity to monitor individual mobility flows in a timely manner and with proper spatial aggregation. Modeling such data from time and space provides spatiotemporal pattern of human mobility, which has a close link to individual’s behavior mode and social role.

Utilizing data collected from members of a fraud group, our study aims to speculate the role of members within the group using their cell phone traces. In particular, we analyzed spatiotemporal pattern of the location data of all 24 users and linked it to their social network characteristics.

We found that these 24 users can be divided into three groups, and each group has a fixed trajectory pattern by temporal and spatial characteristics. The results also showed that these three groups have their own trajectory modes, indicating that the members of the three groups are closely related and are more likely to engage in some group activities. Hopefully, the results could be useful for finding trace of criminal behaviors.


蔡天骥,现任澳门大学社会学系教授,社会科学学院副院长、社会学系系主任。2001年本科毕业于获兰州大学社会学系,2004年获北京大学人口学硕士学位,2006、2010年分别获University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill社会学硕士、博士学位。2010-2012年任北得克萨斯大学社会学系助理教授。研究方向包括定量分析方法与应用,数据挖掘,基因与社会环境交互, 以及社会网络分析。他的文章发表于American Sociological Review,American Journal of Sociology,Chinese Sociological Review, Demography,Sociological Methodology,Sociological Methods and Research,Social Science Research等。


马崟,社会学和社会政策博士,牛津大学赫特福德学院的访问学者。现任兰州大学哲学社会学院担任青年研究员。主要研究兴趣包括教育、就业、社会政策和循证研究方法。甘肃省人力资源和社会保障厅在就业、创业及职业能力建设领域的专家。研究成果在Technological Forecasting and Social Change, China Quarterly, China Review, Education & Training, Journal of Career Assessment, Journal of Aging & Social Policy, Ageing & Society等期刊发表。
