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发布时间:2024-06-14   字体大小T|T

应兰州大学哲学社会学院和甘肃省马克思主义宗教学研究基地(兰州大学宗教文化研究中心)邀请,美国普渡大学哲学系Jeffrey E. Brower 教授将于2024年6月20日举办学术讲座,欢迎全校师生积极参加!

主讲人Speaker:Jeffrey E. Brower 教授

主持人Chair:Berman Chan 副教授

题 目Lecture:Aquinas on Human Beings and Death阿奎那论人类与死亡

时 间Date and Time:2024年6月20日 20:00

地 点TenCent Meeting:腾讯会议 643 232 308

内容简介Lecture description:

What happens to us after death? Evidently, we cease to be alive. But does this entail that we cease to exist altogether? Or do we somehow survive our death? In this talk, I explore the answers given to this question by the medieval philosopher, Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274). I argue that we have much to learn from Aquinas’ answers, and in particular from the way in which they’re bound up with his broader views about human nature and human destiny.

我们死后会发生什么?显然,我们不再活着。但这是否也意味着,我们将不复存在?抑或,我们在死后依然以某种方式存在着?在本次讲座中,我将探讨中世纪哲学家托马斯·阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas,卒于1274年)对这一问题的回答。在我看来,我们可以从阿奎那的回答中了解很多内容,当这一答案与关乎人类本性以及人类命运的一般观点相连时,我们尤其能从这种关联中获益良多。

主讲人简介Speaker Bio:

Jeffrey E. Brower为美国普渡大学哲学系教授(博士生导师),主要研究专长为中世纪哲学与当代形而上学。2014年出版专著《阿奎那关于物质世界的存在论:变化、质形论与物质对象》(牛津大学出版社)。2023年,Brower教授还获得美国国家人文基金资助,用于其项目“阿奎那关于空间的存在论”,该项目致力于系统介绍阿奎那关于空间以及空间位置的观点。

Jeffrey E. Brower is Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University, specializing in medieval philosophy and contemporary metaphysics. His 2014 monograph is entitled Aquinas’s Ontology of the Material World: Change, Hylomorphism, and Material Objects (Oxford University Press). Brower is winner of a $60,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) for his project, Aquinas’s Ontology of Space, regarding space and spatial location.

主持人简介Chair-person Bio:

Berman Chan,华裔加拿大人,美国普渡大学哲学博士,目前为兰州大学哲学社会学院副教授。研究领域包括元伦理学、形而上学、AI伦理。

Berman Chan (Ph.D, Purdue) is a Canadian citizen and Associate Professor of Philosophy at Lanzhou University. He works in the areas of metaethics and metaphysics, answering the question “What is it for something to be good (excellent)?”, and also has some research interest in AI ethics.
